[CR]Larz Anderson Show Report

(Example: Production Builders:Peugeot:PX-10LE)

Date: Wed, 17 Aug 2005 23:25:39 -0400 (GMT-04:00)
From: "DB" <bordenbunch@earthlink.net>
To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
Subject: [CR]Larz Anderson Show Report

Hi all, I been wanting to publish my impressions of this years Larz event for a few days now, and thanks to Mr. Weigle for breaking the ice, so to speak. I am sorry I do not have the list of award winners, but hopefully that is comin g soon.

For me, it seems like the anticipation for the next show builds for 51 week s after each Larz Anderson Bike show event. It has become one of the highli ghts of my summer - to oggle at the museum-quality bikes, meet and greet bi ke lovers and collectors from far and wide who share in our love of this hu man powered machine and the people who ride them.

The pre-show ride was much fun and hot! Oy! You could've fried an egg on my forehead after that ride! Five Speed Jack and Chris Barbour took us on a t our of Boston's Olmstead-designed Emerald Necklace - from Brookline to Beac on Hill and back. I rode my 1973 Eisentraut Signature and never enjoyed tha t bike more than I did on that ride. We did a bit of gravel road riding, an d despite the 23mm tires, it held me up like champ. Albert knows what he di d and still does. Myself and a couple of riders split from the group a bit early so we could get back to the show by the opening bell, and the comrade ry and fun had by all on the ride was evident. I encourage you all to join this ride next year!

Although I feel humbled by the knowledge brought to the event by master bui lders like Peter Weigle and Richard Sachs, and collectors like Peter Naiman , Maurice Bresnahan and Ken Denny, I never feel looked down upon or scoffed at by those more in the know. We are all students, after all. Many months ago, when I asked Maurice and Peter if I could help out in any way, I was s urprised to be asked to judge the event - "just talk to everyone, ask a lot of questions about the bikes, and do the best you can using your knowledge and aesthetic sensibilties". And so I did.

To those there, I apologize if the choices were based on less-than-expertis e knowledge of the many award catagories - but I know what what I like and, boy, was it fun picking some outstanding examples out from a crowd of wort hy entries. Not so much like a kid in a candy shop, exactly - I was too str essed out and took the job too seriously for that. But just a few bikes in particular are still vivid in my mind eye - Ken Denny's NOS race-worthy Spe edwell, and his Chris Chance 10th anniversary Fat Chance track bike, and Pe ople's Choice and Best Custom winner Peter Weigle's personal baby blue rand onneur bike designed and built in the best, modern franco-american style. A nd as Peter W. mentioned, there was a strong HighWheeler/19th century cycle contingent present as well, both bikes and their collectors. In many ways, they made the show into something special that had been lacking in years p ast - adding diversity, and filling a historical gap between the dawn of cy cling and our beloved lightweights.

There were over 120 bikes registered for the concours, and 300-400 paying a ttendees. I truly hope each and every one of the CR listers will consider a ttending next year. It was a wonderful, spirited show that I hope many more of you will attend in the future. Thanks for listening. -Dan Borden, Brookline MA (currently writing from Camden, ME)

Please address reply to <db@home-work.com> Thanks.

Please address reply to <db@home-work.com> Thanks.