[CR]North American Handmade Bicycle Show...another update

(Example: Events:Cirque du Cyclisme:2002)

From: <DonWalkerCycles@aol.com>
Date: Thu, 18 Aug 2005 19:32:48 EDT
To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
Subject: [CR]North American Handmade Bicycle Show...another update

Howdy Listers!

What an exciting week in regards to the development of the show.

Jenny Frayer signed up late last week, making her the first woman owned business to jump on board. If you dont know Jenny, she is based in the Reno area and does some really nice work. http://www.frayerframes.com/index.html

While I was excited about Jenny signing on, I get confirmation from Co-Motion in Eugene Oregon. They really like the idea of the show and are excited to be a part of it. They are located at co-motion.com

So, there I am all jazzed and then Bill Boston emails and says "count me in" as well. For those that dont know Bill, he was building waaaaay back when and is a master of fitting frames. He has been marketing his program "accufit designer" which you can view at billbostoncycles.com. Check it out!

Now, while I am going through some notes, I call back on a builder that was on vacation a week ago. Seems that builder has decided to commit to the show. Not too many of us havent heard of Mark Nobilette http://www.nobilettecycles.com/ from Colorado. His reputation is stellar, to say the least. In fact, Scott Cutshall has interviewed Mark in Scott's FBQ section of his site _http://istanbultea.typepad.com/largefellaonabike/2005/05/f bq_mark_nobile.html_ (http://istanbultea.typepad.com/largefellaonabike/2005/05/fbq_mark_nobile.html)

Its now lunchtime on Thursday, so I take the kids over to Peter Piper Pizza so we can eat some cheepo buffett pizza and play some games. Afterall, they are good kids and its blazing hot outside here in Central Texas, so unless we hit a waterpark or pool, theres not much we can do in this heat. We have a good time and come home 2 hours later and sure enough, there is another message on my answering machine. This time its from Joseph Ahearne http://ahearnecycles.com/ of Portland Oregon. I met Joseph in Houston at the last show. He makes the Whiskey Flask bottle cage. Way cool product ( I even have one, although I might need another since everyone that sees it tries to take it) and Joseph builds some cool frames and is a super nice guy to boot.

The last thing I want to leave you with is that for those who missed the announcement last week regarding the cocktail reception and the entertainment schedule thereof, I will announce it again now. Friday night, March 3rd, 2006 at the Cocktail Reception for the North American Handmade Bicycle Show, I am pleased to announce the evenings entertainment will be provided by "The Motherfluxers" a surf/classic rock trio featuring Paul Sadoff on guitar, Rick Williams on bass and Brian Baylis on drums. Exhibitors The cost of admission for non exhibitors to the Cocktail Reception ONLY is $40 per person and is a dress to impress affair. Black tie not required, but is welcome.

Thanks for your time.