So there was an upcharge if $475 for a complete Masi bike w/Campy NR. How does this compare to buying the parts individually, if you don't mind doing a bit of addition? I only have Bikcology from '79 & '80, so not a good reference point.
Dave Patrick Chelsea, Michigan
Chuck Schmidt <> wrote:
John Jorgensen wrote:
> "There seems to be a continuing assumption that all Masi's were sold from
> the factory as complete bikes, which leads to further assumptions
> regarding "correct" components. Seems to me that the majority of Masi's
> were sold as framesets."
> Wrote -Dave Patrick
> Perhaps for export to Canada. For the USA domestic market the exception to the rule was a frameset. They wanted to sell complete bikes, there were too many
> components sitting from the onset there. Production was not up to what was planned.
> I did buy a frameset through the shop for which worked in 1975, but it was a Sprint frame. It was not very economical to buy a frame & fork or set with a Headset
> & BB from Carlsbad, could be done, just not cost effective. The discount offered was meager, guys inquired but it did not make sense. Slightly cheaper to ship a
> frame over a complete bike but it wuold not make up for the difference.
> The Sprint bike got Super Chanpion rims for training, Scheeren rims for competition.
> Dealer cost for the Sprint frame $275. in 1975, the dealer cost for a complete roadbike in 1976 was $525.
> My last new Carlsbad bike was delivered in October 1976. It had 32 hole old logo rims after I exchanged the mismatch of 36 front and 32 rear that it arrived with.
> What torture to wait for the correct wheel to arrive with the bike sitting on the display rack, Almost ready.
> John Jorgensen
> Torrane Ca
>From the Bikcology Winter 1975 mail order catalog (changed to Supergo later):
Masi Frame: $350 (bare frame and fork) Masi Framset: $425 (Campy BB, headset, seat post, seat post binder bolt) Masi Bike: $825 (Nuovo Record with 3ttt or Cinelli and Regina or Everest)
I remember by 1977 or '78 Masi was considered passé here in SoCal.
Chuck Schmidt South Pasadena, Southern California