Ben Spencer writes:
> Hello, I am wondering if there is a regular group ride for the classics
> (bikes and riders) in or around the Seattle area? If not how about one
> before the weather turns?
Hey Ben - I've tried to organize rides a few times with little success, but last Fall the day of my show I actually got about 20 people to ride in the North End. I would still like to do it. I have copied this to other potentially interested parties. What say you, guys? How does Sept 17 look? I will put together a route and maps if people will tell me they will come. I would like to do it out in my neighborhood (Snoqualmie Valley) since we have the BEST riding. Typical start would either be in North Bend or Fall City and there is a lunch stop in Carnation. If we do the Fall City start it could be done on a fixed gear. Climbing back up to the Falls on a fixie would be a grunt.
Bob Freeman