Mafac LS sidepulls date from 1981. Mafac claimed to
have turned their centre pull expertise into producing
a Tour de France race proven side pull. They were
slightly heavier than the Competition (760gm.) CP's.
The side-pulls weighing 840gm. The LS were really
pricey brakes at £42.80. The gold Competitions were
£19.27 back then to give you an idea on pricing. The
side-pulls you probably have are possibly the LC-L
which were only £11.20.
Hope this helps.
Mick Butler Huntingdonshire.
--- Norris Lockley
<> wrote:
> Unfortunately I bought three pairs of these brakes a
> couple of years ago
> thinking that they were the finer more refined "LS"
> (I think that was
> the name) model.
> The calipers currently on offer on Ebay look
> dreadfully like my
> "investments". I do not think that Weinmann would
> wish to acknowledge
> having made them, as the finish is not up to that
> company's standards.
> Those calipers that I bought were thicker in the
> arms than the Swiss
> maker's and more poorly finished. If I had to hasard
> a guess I would
> place them as a Taiwanese product from a company
> such as Chang-Star.
> As for the date of their I think it would be in the
> very late 70s or
> early 80s...probably one of the last throws of the
> dice before Mafac
> closed down.
> Norris Lockley...Settle UK
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Thats all for now. Keep those wheels spinning, in your memories if not still on the road. Be lucky Mick Butler Huntingdon UK.
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