Re: [CR]Attention New England list members.

(Example: Production Builders:Tonard)

Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2005 00:55:41 -0400
Subject: Re: [CR]Attention New England list members.
From: "Elton Pope-Lance" <>
To: CR List <>
In-Reply-To: <009401c5ace4$d83cc770$2f01a8c0@LAFLEUR>

The New England Section of the Veteran-Cycle Club has been riding monthly i n Eastern Mass. for five years. It is the only local section of the V-CC outside Great Britain. The rides are at a sociable pace, 1950s British lightweights predominate ­ other old bicycles are welcome, but fenders are de rigueur - and we often travel unpaved roads and tracks. Most rides are single-day affairs, but there are night rides and occasional overnight tours. The rides are listed in the V-CC magazine NEWS & VIEWS (V-CC membership details are at, and there is information and an e-mail contact at <>.

The V-CC and friends are holding an all-British bike ride in Cambridge and Boston on Sunday, September 18, that gathers at the 1369 Coffee House on Mass Ave in Central Square, Cambridge at 1:00 p.m. There is a 50-mile tour to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the V-CC on Saturday, October 15 , meeting at Park Drive and Brookline Ave. in the Fenway at 9 a.m. Why not bring your old bike out for a ride and see if V-CC touring is your cup of tea ­ or glass of beer, since V-CC rides don¹t happen without a pub stop.

On 8/29/05 5:58 PM, "Norm and Val Lafleur" <> wrote:
> Since I've become a list member I've noticed quite a few other folks
> from New England, some not too far away. I'm wondering, do any of you
> get together for vintage rides? The So Cal gang shouldn't be the only
> ones having fun with vintage bikes. If no ride currently exists, how far
> are you willing to drive for a ride? I'm in the Berkshires but would be
> willing to drive to Central Ma. North Central Ct, Southern Vt. or South
> West N.H. I'm willing to organise a ride if the interest is there.
> Please respond if interested and suggest locations and favorite routes.
> Also, if your up for doing a century there is a nice one coming up Sept.
> 10. The Connecticut Valley Century (COVAC) uses a scenic route in the
> Connecticut River Valley between Northampton and Brattleboro and the
> terrain is gentle enough for vintage legs and vintage bikes. I'll be
> riding it on my 80's Basso.
> Let's try and get something going before the snow flies.
> Norm Lafleur
> Ashfield, Ma.