Re: [CR] To new Raysport owners - how you gonna build 'em?

(Example: Component Manufacturers:Ideale)

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Subject: Re: [CR] To new Raysport owners - how you gonna build 'em?
Date: Sat, 06 Aug 2005 15:35:36 +0000

Hey, this is pretty cool! FWIW, my 62-cm. has the following, somewhat-kinda period-correct stuff (used, unless o/w specified): NR HS NR BB SR 175 cranks 42/53 SR (one-bolt) seat post (maybe that should be a two-bolt?) Brooks Team Pro saddle Record flat-q/r brakes (early "long-reach" lever blades, NOS shield-logo hoods) Cinelli 1A and 66-40 (old logo) (NOS) Tressostar tape (natch'), black (new) SL pedals, Christophe clips and black straps (used, NOS, NOS) Regina Oro 13-22 six-speed FW, Record Oro chain (both NOS) Late SR rear der., 3-hole Record front der. (used, NOS) 28-hole Record hubs (is this all getting too darn predictable?), Ergal rims w/early logo, Criterium Seta tires. (NOS). I guess it's your typical, boring, Campy sled..... About 21.5 pounds per my probably somewhat inaccurate bathroom scale (that sounds too light to me - can anyone recommend a good scale for weighing bikes)? Maybe I should do another one, toute à la Française? Completamente Zeus? I'll bet we got a lot of interesting setups from this group... How about a "lowest net total cost to build" one? Greg "that's so ROB-ish!" Parker Ann Abor, Michigan P.S. I ain't talkin' Sakae Ringyo here, neither.... ;-)

Date: Fri, 5 Aug 2005 12:52:41 -0700 (PDT) From: dave martinez <> To: Cc: CR List <> Subject: Re: [CR] To new Raysport owners - how you gonna build 'em?

Hello John,

I've never been so excited about getting a cheap frame thats an unabashed copy of a bike I hold so dear.

I'm thinking about building mine up with 70s Campagnolo G.S. stuff. The funky looking rear derailleur with the hex bolts for pivots and that "Looks like Nuovo Record from 20 feet away" G.S. five arm crankset. Funkional stuff!

Perhaps we should form the RAYSPORT OWNERS BUNCH or R.O.B.???? : )

Regards, Dave Martinez working on an ALFA and watching the kids today. wrote: In coming days there will be around 20 new Raysport owners. Wondering how y'all are planning to build them up?! There are many possibilities, and likely no "correct" set-up.

I am entertaining three options:

Early generation (circa. 1977) Dura Ace groupo with many black parts. Benefits are English threading, use for all those neat Dura Ace clamps, black might look stunning against the silver and red.

Second possibility is to install what I call a "Campagnolo Lo" groupo (circa. 1972) including Sport headset and 3-arm steel cotterless crankset, high flange Tipo hubs, shift levers with the shield style tightening dial (Sport? Gran Sport?), Nuovo Record derailleurs, Universal 68 brakeset, TTT Record stem and bar. I've been wanting to do such a bike for a while but haven't found just the right Italian frameset.

Lastly, superlightweight, French-influenced, non-Campagnolo build including Huret Jubilee shifting, Stronglight 93 or Nervar Star crankset, maybe Weyless hubs, Universal or Mafac stoppers. These are more parts wailing in their boxes for a suitable mate.

John Siemsen San Luis Obispo, CA