> In a message dated 8/8/05 3:04:01 PM,
> writes:
> > Bob Hovey wrote:
> > >
> > > (snip for brevity) would be a darned shame if no one was interested
> > > enough to find out until it was too late and all these guys were
> > forgotten.
> >
> >
> > Bob, it sounds like you're interested enough to find out before it's too
> > late, so what are you waiting for.
> >
> > Chuck "the helping hand you're looking for is on the end of your arm"
> > Schmidt
> > South Pasadena, Southern California
> >
> Cheez, Chuck, where'd that come from? I spend at least ten hours a week
> talking to Masi owners, collecting photos, keeping up the Registry, asking
> questions and listening to answers. Just because I don't do it all on-list
> doesn't mean I am not active or attentive or interested.
> Bob Hovey
> Columbus, GA
You missed my point Bob. (Ten hours a week? I spend pretty much all my waking hours talking, collecting, asking, listening...<grin>)
Unless you're willing to go to the source (Italy), learn the language (young Italians know English, the really old ones don't for the most part), and be prepared to spend sizable amounts of time and money doing the research, no new _reliable_ information will be forthcoming.
Plenty of people are interested, no lack of them! What's lacking is the commitment to do the original research, obtaining the _first_ hand information. I don't see anyone stepping up, but I'd love to be proved wrong!!!
Chuck Schmidt South Pasadena, Southern California