After returning home from Mackinaw Island in upstate Michigan i found a box containing my new Della Santa frame sitting in my house. In keeping with my fondness for all things retro/vintage it is the first frame Roland did with Richie Sach's newvex lugs. Im glad there are people like R Sach's and Roland that know how to make things of lugs and steel tubes into rideable art. And if some of you dont know about Mackinaw Island it doesnt let cars on the island only horse and bike traffic. It is truly a great place to ride. If anybody would like a preveiw of Rolands work email me off list and i can forward some pics. I hope this KOF outing is ok to post to the list. I also have pics of the frame prior to paint being applied which is very cool to see a builders work before the painter gets it. Also looking to buy older Della Santa frames in around the 56cm size.
Thanks Jimmy Katynski
Madison Hts Mi