I think you're over-reacting by getting pissed about this. Please remember than nearly everyone who posted about this made pains to point out that what you're trying to do with the show is great. It is. We all owe you a debt of gratitude for it.
But that doesn't mean that every decision made will be universally embraced and this one -- because it raises the spectre of you, as a show organizer, being in direct conflict with the audience you need to succeed -- could really hurt the show. And I think what we're *all* saying is we want the show to succeed.
Look at it this way: some of your most ardent fans and supporters are here. We're your home team here. We're the steady base of support. And if many members of this group of hardcore fans object to the policy, you can be sure the casual attendee -- the people we really want to reach -- will be *really* put out by the policy.
I think everyone is ON YOUR SIDE, and rooting for your success. In other words, so please don't dig in, get pissed and feel like we're suddenly enemies because some of us disagree with this policy.
It seems to me to make sweeping changes in policy and/or opinion just because one person posted to a bad web site and one person suggested you're arrogant is a mistake. Focus on the enormous support you're getting and design the policies to reward your loyal audience. It's good business!
So a jerk posted pictures on a porn site. It sounds incredibly bizarre to me. But does anyone in this day and age really think that means the builder endorsed porn? Does the builder in question *really* believe this?
Besides, if you have the pro take the photos, there's nothing to prevent someone from copying the photos and posting them to porn sites. (This is all redefining what we mean when we talk about bike porn, eh?)
If you want to take your lead from this issue from the builder commnity itself, I'll volunteer to contact them all via e-mail and put the question to them directly, collate the responses and provide them to you off list.
My guess is if the option is given to them, the builders will want to encourage fan photos. I suspect the builders don't want to do things that will turn off prospective customers -- or even simple enthusiasts.
As the organizer do you *really* want to have people getting busted on the floor for taking a photo or do you really want to search bags?
Please don't close the door on this one. Reconsider. It's never too late.
And remember, nearly everyone who has commented on it is doing so because they believe in what you're doing. So don't get *too* upset because your fans urge you to go in a certain direction.
Best, Bob Cauthorn San Francisco, CA
> Date: Mon, 8 Aug 2005 22:46:18 EDT
> From:
> To:
> Subject: [CR]NO CAMERA'S? but why? revisited
> Message-ID: <>
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> Precedence: list
> Message: 12
> Ok, the fallout from pissed off folks has me pissed off to the n'th
> degree. Its rather simple.
> A builder had some pics from the last show end up on a porn site.
> This did NOT make him very happy. He isnt in the porn business, he
> makes bikes.
> After talking with him again this afternoon he said " i make bikes, not
> porno's, its not that I have anything against porn, but my bikes dont
> belong with that stuff."
> Now, if anyone else was promoting this show they would do the same
> thing. Regardless if you have 99% of the other builders ok with their
> stuff on a porn site, if 1 builder is upset that it happened, then I
> need to take the steps to make sure it cant happen again.
> I have had 1 wingnut go so far as to call me arrogant because of
> this...and if anyone truly knows me, they know I am anything but.
> Richard Sachs, Brian Baylis, Paul Sadoff, and many more of these
> builders are not only my colleagues, but my friends. I value their
> opinions as well as advice, whether or not I agree with it. They all
> understood my intentions with this and had no problems with what I am
> trying to accomplish.
> If you cant live with the rules that I have set forth, then dont
> attend. Sure, I would love to have you all there, but the rules are
> what they are and thats the bottom line. This is a tough job
> organizing this event and I know that
> there is no way to please everyone, so I do what I feel is the
> right/best
> thing to do.
> I am sorry if this upsets you all, but I have alot of builders that
> rely on me to do the right thing. I truly am sorry some of you want
> to boycott the show for your own reasons of not being able to take
> pics, but ask yourself honestly, what is better...a show that you
> cant take pics at, or no show at all.
> I hope you see my point.
> DW
> PS to the dude who called me arrogant, call me at home and lets talk
> and you will change your opinion of me. My number is on my website.