Re: [CR]Re: Porn bikes/saddle sniffing--funny bike shop moments

(Example: Framebuilding:Tubing)

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From: "Larry Hakim" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Re: Porn bikes/saddle sniffing--funny bike shop moments
Date: Tue, 09 Aug 2005 12:51:13 -0500

Changing the subject again (sorry) my funniest bike shop memory comes from the early 1970's when a friend and I were listening to an overly serious employee at Mike Walden's Continental Bike Shop talk about how some riders were doing SUMMMER cross-country skiing training. All of a sudden a Monty Pythonesque image popped into my head, and I had one of those embarrasing moments where you want to bust out laughing but musn't; I started to sweat, and make odd snorting noises while that poor guy looked at me like I was a lunatic. I ended up fleeing the store red-faced and doubled over with laughter. A moment later my friend comes running out red-faced and doubled over in laughter. He had NO idea what I was laughing at but found the whole thing contagiously hilarious. I never made it back to Mike's shop after that. BTW I liked the smell of my Holdsworth's Brooks leather saddle when it was new, and 33 years later can recall it vividly.

Larry Hakim

Batesville, MS