Re: [CR]KOF solution

(Example: Production Builders)

From: "Mike Schmidt" <>
To: "Ted E. Baer" <>, <>
References: <>
Subject: Re: [CR]KOF solution
Date: Thu, 11 Aug 2005 13:14:39 -0400

Hi Ted,

We could do this exercise that you suggest but its pointless. Why? Cause Dale's Golden Rule applies on KOF definitions and applications insofar as the CR list goes. You're right, 10 list members would give 10 different spins on what KOF means to them, so Dale Brown's broad definition works for me.

The golden rule's concept is simple: He who has the gold, makes the rules. And since its Dale "Midas" Brown's list and if Dale says the KOF bike is...... it is what it is!

Jonathan Greene did a cut and paste the other day of Dales definition and the definition really is not rocket science.

I liked your comment about the list is not republican run list, nor democratic, its Socialist and Dale is our Fuhrer uber alles.

So this week's excitement was porn and KOF definitions and whatever Friday brings.

Achtung baby! Steel lives!

Mike Schmidt
New York, NY

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ted E. Baer"
Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2005 12:47 PM
Subject: [CR]KOF solution

I know some, if not many of you will become infuriated with what I'm about to suggest, but I'll suggest it anyway as by recent posts we CLEARLY DO NOT KNOW WHAT A KOF bicycle (myself included) is.

I read the CR list rules and I realize this is a Republican run list.

However, I think we ought to take a "Democratic" approach to laying this KOF thing to rest.

I suggest: Every CR list member SUBMITS A LIST OF WHAT HE OR SHE BELIEVES QUALIFIES FOR AND/OR IS A KOF BICYCLE; (makes, models, brands, tubing, builder, componentry, etc.) Then we cross off all of the "doubles" (for a KOF suggested more than one time) and make a list. The list could then be put on the CR website. This way everyone gets to "chime in" and from there we have "fully-encompassing criteria" from which to refer to and discuss.

Ted E. Baer
Palo Alto, CA