Pic of the Day 13th August, 2005
1936 - M. Bizut Prepares For le Circuit de Paris
(click on pic for much larger image) From the series "Les Aventures Sportives de M.Bizut" (The Sports Adventures of Mr. Fresh) by Pellos.
"Depart sur les chapeaux..." Does this mean "Lead from the beginning"?
"...mener le train..." Leading the train (pace line).
"...rouler la caisse..." Roll the case?
"...etre dans le bain..." Is in the bath?
"...mettre le nez a la fenetre..." Stick his nose through the window?
"...finir dans un fauteuil!" Finish in an armchair - I think this means to win easily.
Any corrections/additions welcome! From "Match l'Intran" No.514, 19 May 1936.
Aldo Ross
BlueBall, Ohio