Thanks to Dave Salovesh for "outing" this Cinelli. I don't remember ever seeing this bike, and don't think I know the owner. It's too small for me, and I will not buy it. The asking price is real money. If it would help a transaction by validating anything, I'd be willing to peek at the bike for a serious list member, if the owner is willing, the timing works, and it is within an hour or so of here. And take more photos, etc. But please, no tire-kickers, etc.
I make this offer because last year about this time several Palo Alto area members offered to help me by looking at a Hetchins I was interested in their neighborhood. I think of them with thanks each time I ride it.
harvey sachs mcLean va.
+++++++++++++ Dave Salovesh wrote:
The seller may well be a list member, all I know is it ain't mine (and with a 52cm frame, it never could be). And the asking price is $3200, which would rule it out for me even in an appropriate size.
Without casting too much doubt, this seller is due some pointed queries. One obvious one: where are we supposed to view the other images mentioned in the description?
Dave Salovesh
Washington, DC