Patrick Lay wrote:
> As I wander through the acquisition maze that is ebay, I find that this
> question sometimes stops me from bidding. I can ride a 57, 58, or 59 c
> to c. I love SL and some SL SP combinations. but all SP beats me up too
> much on long rides! I know from the archives that Medici , for example,
> went to all SP at about 59, so I did not bid on two of these that were
> recently up. So the question would apply to Masi, Colnago, DeRosa, Gios
> etc. just toward the end of the timeline. I know as the 80s progressed
> there was more danger of getting something with a harsher ride as the
> dastardly bike magazines all seemed to decide that racing bikes all had
> to be criterium ready with upright angles, unyielding tubing high,
> bottom brackets, and hairtrigger handling. I know that the US factories
> and the Japanese bent to this fad, but what about these and other
> Italian builders??
FWIW, at Trek we used SL for frame sizes up to 58cm; 60cm and larger used SP.
-John Thompson (
Appleton WI USA