Re: [CR]Ebay and scams

(Example: Events:Eroica)

Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 15:04:11 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Fred Rafael Rednor" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Ebay and scams
To: Doug Smith <>,
In-Reply-To: <002d01c5bef1$09d22550$722b5c54@usertmf38sji6p>

     I think you can relax. There's a big difference between sending traveller's-cheques/cash/international-money-orders to someone like you and sending that sort of payment to someone who is a totally unknown quantity.
     I've sent cash through the mail to CR list members for goods purchased directly from offerings to the list and for eBay auctions as well. I've never had a problem. But I wouldn't send any of the payment types mentioned above to someone who is a total "unknown quantity".
     Still, for some really large purchase - an entire bicyle, for instance - I think you would want some means of tracking the payment. I once sent a thousand dollars through the mail to pay for a diamond. The package was sent certified mail and was ensured, but that was not an international transaction. It was also in an era that preceeded the current one in which mail is examined on a routine basis.
      Fred Rednor - Arlington, Virginia (USA)

--- Doug Smith wrote:

> I for one will not have anything to do with the Ebay set up
> here or
> world wide one reason as I have mentioned previously is I
> have never had
> the need to partcipate and secondly I know of too many people
> who have
> never received goods and consquently lost their money. Its
> wide open to
> fraud in this day and age and in my opinion not worth
> engaging in
> something so open to cheat fellow citizens out of their hard
> earned
> honest money.You've guessed it I want nothing to do with Pay
> Pal or its
> likes thank you!
> So I do not think I and anyone like me should be ostracised
> when we seek
> other ways to to paid for our goods. I have always requested
> payments by
> cheque, bankers order or cash which too date this has
> presented no
> problems. My policy is, if the interested party does'nt want
> to pay by
> the methods I choose then they have no sale its as simple as
> that. If
> people choose to use ebay and prepare to bid that is up to
> them but bear
> in mind its not everyones cup of tea!
> Doug Smith
> North Dorset
> UK
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