Hi Folks: I've read many of the replys and advice posted on CR and appreciate your input. After reviewing my saved e-mails regarding the scam I was drawn-into, I've found the following info: I communicated with mogulpal on E-Bay's "ask seller a question", then again via mogulpal@yahoo.com. I then seamlessly received an e-mail from lucfrank4000@yahoo.com claiming he was the seller of the bike and requesting the money to be sent to a Johannes Steilmann in Frankfurt, Germany. Lucfrank seemed to know the details about my previous communications. Obviously, mogulpal and lucfrank are different addresses and, I should now presume, different people. If I have defamed mogulpal, I apologize and ask him to please forgive me. But also, please tell me how a "hi-jacking" like this can occur. Sincerely, Dan
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