Ted: It's been a long time since I got too do any of the things, but if my memory serves me correctly; A hook took place when you were side by side and you bumped or elbowed your competition out of the way; Chop was to come down in front of your competition abruptly when there was not really enough room to do so; Go on top. On a banked track the bottom has a sprinters lane below the red line. If you are in this lane at the beginning of a sprint you own it, everyone else must go must go on top, or over the top. Hole; Some times they were not there and you just had to make them. The sprint has started, you are behind two side by side riders that you feel you can beat, there is not enough time or the opportunity to go around so you go between them creating a hole. Hooks and chops could get you disqualified if the officials thought you were a little too aggressive. Making a hole was usually all right. Experienced riders may not let a hole open up but lesser riders would move apart as you came through giving you a clear path to the finish line. Gene Diggs, Rochester Hills, Michigan