After a week of cold foggy mornings, Sat. Sept. 17 dawned beautiful and clear here in Sonoma County. Couldn't have asked for better weather. As folks gathered and introductions were made, it was great to put faces to names. I was honored and again amazed at the dedication of some list members who were willing to drive such long distances to be here. Charles and Carmen get the golden steering wheel for driving from Southern California. I was also surprised that of the 18 who showed, 10 were from Sonoma County, including the president of the Santa Rosa Cycling Club on his Jeff Lyon.
Here's the list members and what they rode:
Marc St. Martin Peter Johnson Guy Appel Peter Johnson Bob Freitas Einsentraut John Siemsen Alex Singer Chris (drawing a blank on his last name. Sorry Chris!) Teledyne Titan Charles and Carmen Andrews Pogliaghi tandem Bill Mattinson Saluki Eric Acuna Gios Brian Plougher Schwinn Paramount Jay Sexton Olmo Competition
The locals were:
Benny Smith Cinelli Super Corsa Phil Pickford Saluki Jim Jenkins Bianchi Allen Bloom Centurion Fixed gear Sue Bennett Mercier Margin Clinton Jeff Lyon Bill Mattinson Brian Plougher Eric Acuna Jay Sexton
After the usual preparations, introductions, ogling, and the obligatory group photo, experienced hand Bob Freitas suggested we circle up and introduce ourselves and our bikes, which was a good idea and revealed a sense of humor in all. Especially when Chris nonchalantly revealed that his forks had 'only' cracked a couple of times. We banned him to the back of the group.
Intro's out of the way, we began the slow roll out of the parking lot. A sudden movement catches my eye, and I'm startled to see Guy doing his best Artie Johnson imitation. No harm no foul, just a little embarrassment. Very graceful though. Except for Allen Bloom breaking his seat adjustment bolts at about 5 miles out, forcing him to return to Sebastopol, and Phil Pickford getting a flat, the ride was without mishap, and went very well. Guy and I were separated from the group when we stopped to help Allen, and as a result we probably rode an extra 5 miles attempting to find everyone. I'm thankful that I had mentioned the route to a couple of the local riders. They kept the group moving to the midpoint of the ride, which is where Guy and I; and Martin who we picked up on the way after he flatted; found the group. It was at that point I realized in my excitement I had forgotten to eat breakfast. Thank goodness the pace wasn't fast. I would have bonked big time. I was ready for lunch. I think most of us were ready to eat, so we steadily forged on to the delicatessen I had in mind.
After we ordered our sandwhiches, we rolled over to a nearby park, sat in the shade, and confided in each other as to how many bicycles we had (c'mon Charles, fess up!) and what we would walk out the door with in an emergency. I think hurricane Katrina got us all to thinking about how prepared we were or were not. I wondered if this warm fuzzy group confessional was what a (insert your favorite here) anon meeting was like.
All good things must temporarily end, and those driving long distances stirred first, bringing us back to reality. We mounted up and made our way back to the start point, said our goodbyes, and separated. Maybe it's the common denominator, but I felt very comfortable with this group of people, and we managed to get along very well. Of course some folks knew each other all ready, so that helped, but the comraderie was tangible.
Thanks again to everyone who showed; especially Charles and Carmen, Guy, Bob, John, Chris, and Marc, who drove long distances to be here.
That's all folks! Better late than never, right?
Jay Sexton
Sebastopol, CA