Re: [CR]Hand-me-down ... Need Help

(Example: Production Builders:Frejus)

Date: Mon, 05 Sep 2005 09:36:21 -0400
Subject: Re: [CR]Hand-me-down ... Need Help
From: "Fredrick Yavorsky" <>
To: <>, "" <>
In-Reply-To: <>

Hi Brian, In my opinion your Mirella (frame) is worth restoring. I say that only because I restored and refurbished one of my own. My frame was an inexpensive eBay purchase (I wanted a lugged steel frame that fit me) and before I spent the time and money to do the cosmetics, I built it up in it's raw state and rode it around. Although I did not do a "period" restoration (I added some cable stops and water bottle braze-ons) and refinished the frame according to my own whimsy, I wound up with a very sweet and unique bike. The project was fun for me and I didn't even know what kind of frame I had originally. The CR list was helpful in identifying the Mirella brand and I collected various photos of Mirella bikes showing the original finish and components. Like you mentioned in your post, "new stuff" is a way to go. There are many different combinations of parts you can hang on the frame and I've used both 27 inch and 700c wheels successfully. Sidepull and centerpull brakes, various cranks and gearing systems, fixed gear, too. Good luck and send photos to the list.

My original "project Mirella" photos:

Restored bike:

********************************** Fred Yavorsky Jenkintown, PA

> From: Brian Eng <>
> Reply-To: <>
> Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2005 01:04:57 -0400
> To: "" <>
> Subject: Re: [CR]Hand-me-down ... Need Help
> I've had several request for pictures of the lugs and I will
> definitely take pictures them tomorrow afternoon.
> As for fixing the bike, the main goal is to get it usable again. I
> don't want to say money is no object, but if the frame is decent
> enough I don't mind spending money on it. I was intending to work on
> the bike myself so the questions I have are more related to parts
> moreso than work required. What to do about rims? brakes? et cetera.
> I'd prefer new stuff as technology has changed quite a bit since the
> bike was first put together.
> As to the seat and cable clamps: right now the seat is some gel thing.
> I was told it orignally had a Brooks seat on it but my father said it
> was uncomfortable so he took it off, he thinks he still might have it
> though. If he does I'll take a picture of that too. The top cable
> clamps are Campagnolos (father said he remembers paying something like
> $5/ea when he got them) but are in bad shape and will most likely be
> replaced.
> Brian
> On 9/4/05, RB <> wrote:
>> I need more detailed picures of the frame. Underside of the BB shell, he
> ad
>> tube, all lug work, including the fork (inner and outer) and the rear bra
> ke
>> bridge. Any engraving on the frame (e.g. BB shell underside). Any other
>> info your dad can give would be helpful.
>> It's a nice bike. Probably worth restoring, but I need more info on the
>> frame before I can say whether it's worth spending $xxx to restore. Plea
> se
>> give me an idea of how important is to you to restore - does it have lots
> of
>> sentimentatal value to you?
>> It's a mix of parts. Campy Nuovo Record deraileurs (nice, top end for th
> at
>> year), Campy Gran Sport hubs (mid line), SR cranks and brake (Japanese -
>> equivalent to Campy Gran Sport - Not as good as Campy, but still nice).
>> Cinelli bar and stem (old style, very nice). Need pics of the seat, and
> top
>> tube cable clamps also.
>> Worth restoring, question is how much to spend, what to do. Proper
>> restoration can make all of those parts usable and nice again. You can
>> replace just the missing parts (e.g front brake) with like, or you can
>> upgrade to Campy. Give me an idea of what you want to spend, and I can
>> advise you. Or give me an idea of what you want to accomplish, and I can
>> give you a range of prices to expect to pay, either to do it yourself, or
>> for others to do it for you.
>> Regrds,
>> --Bill