Recently bought an older 58cm c-c bike labelled on the downtube: "R.J.Quinn ." Sorry, no pictures. I have some .jpgs but no photo-hosting. Picked it up from the seller near Warrington between Liverpool and Manchester. He remembered the Quinn Bros shop in Liverpool but didn't remember if there was a connection between Harry Quinn and R.J.Quinn. Looking in the archives I found suggestions that there is a connection between them, that perhaps Harry and R.J. were the Quinn brothers carrying
on in the business where there father had started, and other helpful information. I wonder if anyone knows more about the possible age of a Quin n Bros/R.J.Quinn bike. Tranfer/sticker at the top front of seat tube says "Quinn Bros. 383 Edge
Lane, Liverpool" Larger transfer at middle of seat tube repeats the Quinn Bros. 383 Edge Lane, Liverpool on a yellow field over a French flag tricolor background. This design is repeated on stickers on each of the rims: rear rim is 27" Mavic Module E. Front is 27" Milremo. No sign of a Reynolds transfer, and the Quinn Bros. sticker is in the usual
tubing sticker position. I realize it's likely to be 531 but what else do I
look at to determine tubing? Component group is early Shimano 600. Haven't had occasion till now to look
into early 600 stuff, but components have a flourish or flame motif that my
wife says makes the bike look art nouveau. Vertical parallelogram style 600
rear der., 600 front der., 600 clamp-on d-t shifters, 600 crank (looks like
a 110bcd), 600 side pull brakes, 600 levers, seat post with black painted
flutes and black accents on clamp, labelled Edco but needs a cleaning to be
sure. Can't find label on unlceaned hubs yet, but they are large flange wit h Tipo style holes but thinner flanges. Oval logo Cinelli 1A stem and similar
era Cinelli bar. Bike came with ancient Michelin Elans that brought back late 70s teen-age memories of trying to find a clincher as good as a tubular. Shimano cable clips on top tube and clamp-on BB cable guide. Only braze-on is a rear der. cable stop on top of the right chain stay. Lon g campag drop outs with eyelets. Eyelets on fork too. Faded decals and paint, and lots of patina. No dents or dings. Tall half-chrome on fork and stays is in very good shape. Chromed flat crown. Lots of prep of lugs evident with thinned feathered edges. Lugset is long
point with no windows but with the suggestion of nervex style forward extensions on the head lugs. The labelled rims suggest this is the bike's original wheelset. Shimano 600
group appears to be original too.
Mitch Harris
Lately of London, W24LP