Mike Stonich wrote:
Sounds like you have the washer in backwards.
I know it is risky to assert things when I am at work and the pump is home in the basement, but I am quite sure I put it in correctly. The open end faces the pump head _____________ pumphead >==============handle
The washer was kind of stiff. I am going to try kneading it a bit to get a little more flexibility.
Marcus Helman Warren, MI
At 9/12/2005 10:13 AM -0400, marcus.e.helman@gm.com wrote:
>I just installed a new leather washer on an old Silca frame pump. Thanks
>to Paulie Davis for the washer. I smeared it with olive oil, a new one
>me, since I had always used grease before, and installed it. The pump has
>the nice metal Campagnolo head. When I cover the hole in the head (the
>pump head, not my head) with my thumb, and draw the plunger back, no air
>comes in. If I let the plunger go, it slides back toward the pump body.
>What should I do? Please do not advise me to ditch the Silca in favor of
>Zefal. I want to get this one working.
Mark Stonich; Minneapolis Minnesota http://mnhpva.org http://bikesmithdesign.com
Marcus Helman
Warren, MI 48090