Re: [CR]Ernie Clements Falcon Special (and San Remo too)

(Example: History)

Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2005 18:43:39 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Fred Rafael Rednor" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Ernie Clements Falcon Special (and San Remo too)
In-Reply-To: <>

Who made the lugs for this frame? It strikes me that in those years there was something of a real diversity of lug designs. Did the frame manufacturers make their own or did they "special order" them from established lug manufacturers?
     Fred Rednor - Arlington, Virginia (USA)

---- wrote:

> I'm jumping in on this thread, because I too have a (still
> dirty) old beast,
> of similar description but likely a lower model. Mine is a
> SAN REMO model,
> with Campagnolo VELOX components. Just like Bill, I'm
> interested to know the
> year of offer, if possible. Does have a 531 decal. I took
> some quick PICs of
> it so that the basics can be seen. Light was waning, but I
> think the idea gets
> across:
> Remember to click on a thumb, then click on the pic it
> reveals, in order to
> see the larger and much clearer versions. (Do I need to keep
> adding this, each
> time I supply a link to the Wool Jersey Gallery?)
> Nigel? ... anybody? ... know the date?
> Thanks so much!
> Ciao,
> Mark Agree
> Southfield MI US
> ~ ~ ~
> Bill Roberts wrote:
> I'll have to forward some further info and links to pics
> later (good
> digicam
> is down for a week or so, will do some basic photos with the
> vid cam).
> Wondering if anyone knows anything about this particular
> model. Falcon
> 'Special'. Has a painted head badge 'designed by Ernie
> Clements'. Nice
> lugs, Simplex components, and 27" wheels w/high pressure
> tires. Classic
> light blue. Perhaps late 60's. Standard Falcon script
> decals. Cotter
> crank. GB alloy bar/stem, Condor seat. Probably not 531 or
> the like,
> but
> not gaspipe either. Looks like a mid-line city/touring bike.
> Good
> shape
> throughout, all original. Thanks in advance.
> Bill Roberts
> Jacksonville, OR
> Nigel Land replied:
> Bill, I may have a fix on your Falcon as it sounds like it
> could be an
> early one made in Smethwick, Birmingham. Please check the
> headbadge for
> an address and let me know what lugs it has - should be
> Nervex. If you
> contact me off list I should be able to furnish an original
> spec, once
> we have fixed the date of manufacture.
> Nigel Land
> North Lincs
> UK
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