I have some knowledge and experience with LeJeune bikes and
visited the factory in 1983. But there are a number of other
people on the list who can supply all sorts of details, that I
can't, about LeJeune bicycles. So I'll wait for the real
experts to answer before I try to add anything.
What really intrigue me are the cap and jersey. When we
visited the factory, Monsieur LeJeune gave us (we/us being my
wife and me) a couple of jerseys and caps. But the caps were
something like a cross between a normal cycling cap and a
baseball cap; and the jerseys had flocked lettering. I doubt
these were the sort of things worn by serious LeJeune racers.
So I'm curious what your cap and jersey look like. Of
course, your stuff is a bit older...
Best regards,
Fred Rednor - Arlington, Virginia (USA)
> Hello...I just bought a LeJeune Team without many miles on
> it. The owner
> still had his original receipt! But info on LeJeunes seems a
> little thin
> on the web. Anybody know anything ...either general info
> about the
> marque or (hopefully) knowledge about the "team" model ( 531,
> full
> campy, red painted frame and blue head tube). Matching Silca
> pump and
> the hi flange hubs have red high lites on the flange cutouts!
> From the
> receipt it looked like the guy swapped the original bars for
> Cinneli bar
> and stem for no charge...I wonder what was originaly offered?
> Also the owner included a LeJeune jersey, LeJeune warm up
> tights and
> sweater and a LeJeune cycling cap in matching color, which is
> a lot of
> fun- Thanks for any help with this! Steve from LA
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