Riding vintage bikes can sometimes be hard on my knees because of the need to squat down to shift while powering up a hill. It can take it's toll on long rides, and affects me more on smaller frames, too-short stems or too-low bars, often the result of trying to retain traditional parts like Cinelli bars and stem. I do race-training rides in hilly terrain on my original old bikes and do sometimes suffer pains that my Viscount doesn't deliver, it being outfitted with OT STI shifters. It's also got a bigger, taller frame than most of my other vintage rides. I feel that the shifters on this bike help offset the disadvantages of a heavier bike with it's front wheel too-far-foreward for best drafting. It's a bummer that 59X56cm frames are so scarce. I've got a nice 62X56cm (C-C) Shogun road frame here for sale, a cm or two too tall for me, for just $100 if anyone wants one. It was worth the try as I learned something here about fit.
I feel I might be tempting fate here with off-topic blather, but keeping the knees comfy is definitely prerequisite to even a mild vintage ride, imo. Apology in advance if I'm outta line! The anti-inflammatories work well with tendonitis conditions because inflammation is a common response to stress. Inflammatory response can also be blunted, and more safely in a long-term way, with calorie restriction and good diet. I've suffered with knee tendonitis in the past, and I'm not going back if I can help it. I woke up with sharp neck pain today, skipped breakfast and noticed the pain was gone by noon! Sounds strange, but it works. I've been through a variety of physical recoveries (knees, tennis elbow and neck) and have tested the theory many times. FWIW, arthritis is also an inflammatory condition much affected by diet. It has more to do with changes in blood chemistry than differences in the weight we carry. I hope this is useful, but likely won't apply to non-inflammatory ailments. I started using this approach after reading The Zone around 1994. I often suffer more aches and pains with the Fall changes in weather, as my riding vs. eating battle loses some ground. The CX season is my savior, but only goes through November around here.
David Snyder
Auburn, CA USA
> Neill,
> First let me advise a little rest. Too much riding is too much
> riding...even youthful Pros suffer when they over train. Next, an old
> timer once told me to move the saddle in the direction of the pain...could
> your saddle be a touch too far back and it would not show up in a more
> moderate riding regimen?
> Some Ibuprofen might be called for here, too. Aspirin might also have the
> benefit of reducing swelling.
> Tom Sanders
> Lansing, Mi