[CR]BVVW Meeting January 16,2006

(Example: Framebuilding:Tubing)

Date: Thu, 05 Jan 2006 20:11:05 -0600
From: "John T.Pergolizzi" <jtperry1@verizon.net>
In-reply-to: <003301c4f83b$89531960$2f01a8c0@D1KBTP11>
To: "'John Pergolizzi'" <jtperry1@verizon.net>, <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Subject: [CR]BVVW Meeting January 16,2006


Happy New Year all! With a lot more notice then our last gathering, here it is time has once again rolled around for the next monthly meeting of the Brooklyn Velodrome Vintage Wheelmen. The meeting will take place on Monday January 16, 2006. The BVVW group is comprised of about 20 hardcore certified freaks, who will hangout and talk bike stuff for about 2 hours.The BVVW is a tangent of Gruppo Sportivo Pergolizzi. This will be an informal gathering of all N.Y. metro area cyclists who share an interest in vintage bicycles and cycling history. Youse is all invited. Meet at the corporate headquarters of The Hartford Insurance Co., 2 Park Avenue, 7th floor (between 32ed and 33rd Streets (on the West side of the Avenue), Manhattan, New York City.

You MUST bring PHOTO I.D. !!!!!!!!!!

We will talk the old talk (1930 to 1980) of cycling, our heroes, and their bicycles and parts. Subject for the evenings discussion will be "Woman in Cycling" with videos and hand outs and maybe even a real live girl racer! Meet at 5:30 p.m. for a 6:00 o'clock start. BIG Thank you goes to Mike Schmidt for the place and Eddie Albert for the videos. ALSO: a quick swap meet/ AUCTION afterwards; so bring some cycling related stuff but NO bigger then a set of wheels and I'll give you a hint of what The Cirque Auction is like. At around 8:00p.m. we will go for eats. Tentatively, the restaurant

will be John's Pizzeria at 278 Bleeker St. in Greenwich Village. Pizza is cooked in a coal fired brick oven. We seen the coal pile in the basement while waiting on line outside a couple a meetings ago. Budweiser beer is on tap and cold! Ernesto and Joe the waiters take good care of us. As long as they gets their "tribute". Please make every effort to come as we never get enough fun! If it's only Nino, Bill, Mike, and me, we'll be there and will be working on our buzz. Expect to get home by sometime Tuesday. Bosco Gong, Joel Dressner, , C.J. Scheiner, Greg Goode, Leland Vall, Roy H. Drinkwater, Jeremy Lieberman, , Anthony Mezzatesta, Julian Shapiro, Duncan Granger and any other yet unattended CR members from the vicinity, we're still waiting for youse guys to show up.

PLEASE e-mail me if your "new" and plan to attend as I need a list for corporate security.

John T. Pergolizzi, BVVW Omnipotent Despot Brooklyn, New York

   Long live The King (please repeat over and over)