[CR]Teledyne Titan queries

(Example: Framebuilders:Rene Herse)

From: "Scott Minneman" <slminneman@yahoo.com>
To: "'CR'" <Classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Date: Sun, 8 Jan 2006 11:39:28 -0800
Organization: Work? Whassat?
In-Reply-To: <5573677E5FEB83448AB3FC87DA7169340C3ADABC@MLSSWN05P.WAS.INT.IMF.ORG>
Thread-Index: AcYT8FV70I64dYYZS8mh1hYfQJc2YAAhUtVwAAPW+UA=
Subject: [CR]Teledyne Titan queries

Does anyone know if Teledyne Titan frame stickers have been reproduced? I've poked around at the likely sites, and haven't found them yet. Probably time to just start phoning around, but I'd love to be pointed somewhere likely (or definite) to start with. I'm pretty sure that they were vinyl to begin with, so they could be done fairly easily by somebody with the patterns.

I have serial number 2062, a 24" frame...no cracks or repairs (but a mysterious small dent/tear in the seat tube, about midway down...clearly from trauma, not fatigue).

If I can't find replacement badges, I'll probably just run it as a bare frame, as a fixed gear...it looks incredible set up that way, and there are a couple of gearing options that work out really nicely (vertical drops, so one has to use Fix-Me-Up to identify workable combinations for the length of the stays (48-19 is about right for San Francisco)).

Finally, as a complete long shot...does anybody know of an original fork for a 24" Teledyne gathering dust anywhere? I know they had problems, but I thought I'd ask if there was a take-off gathering dust anywhere...maybe from a discarded frame that developed all of the other cracks these frames were famous for.


Scott Minneman
San Francisco, CA