Re: [CR] Identifying a Merckx frame

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Subject: Re: [CR] Identifying a Merckx frame
Date: Sun, 08 Jan 2006 21:10:22 +0000


Could that serial number represent the 207th day of 1989?

Greg Parker Ann Arbor, Michigan

Date: Sun, 8 Jan 2006 12:32:04 -0500 From: "Bingham, Wayne" <> To: "CR" <> Subject: RE: [CR] Identifying a Merckx frame

Mark -

Not likely that your frame is earlier than 1980, which is when Merckx set up his operation and started cranking out frames (not counting the earlier Merckx "branded" frames by Falcon and others). There has always been some speculation that there were some late 70's De Rosa-built Merckx frames (De Rosa helped Merckx set up the operation), but nothing definitive. I don't recall seeing the sloping crowns until after the first couple of years, and then both types were used for quite a while. It's most likely your frame is early to mid 80's.

I don't think that anyone has figured out the Merckx numbering system. I'm looking at my '89 Merckx Grand Prix frame and the numbers/letters are S-2079-B in the sequence you describe.

Wayne Bingham Lovettsville VA
>>>> Your frame sounds similar to my DeRosa, which was bought under the thought that it was late '70s but I think it could be early '80s as well. I forgot to take photos of my fork (it's full chrome with a flat crown and "DEROSA ITALY" stamped on the dropouts) but check out the photos of the frame here:

I'd be interested in comparing to photos of your frame once you can get the m posted. I'd also appreciate any feedback from the list on when my frame might have been made as well. The only identifying marks are a number "1" o n the bottom bracket shell.

Tam Pham Huntington Beach, CA

Need help identifying a Merckx track frame-Columbus tubing, Merckx ends, Campy drops. I suspect it's from the late 70's to early 80's. The serial number stamped on the bottom of the shell is: "A" (on left edge) and then "6921" (on the right edge) and there's an "F" above the "6291". I'll have pics of the actual frame up soon but here are a couple links that might help. The frame looks nearly identical to this one:
> The only difference between this and the one I have is that the seat tube cluster looks more like this one : (with with EM engraving and higher binder bolt setting). Also different than the first pic is that the fork I have has a sloped crown (like the one second pic) but without drilling for a brake (it does seem to be tapped though, seemingly in production since it has been chromed over. Let me know your thoughts. Any bit of information helps.
Mark Buswell
San Francisco, CA