Well, the digest lag once more leaves me in the dust, (with me failing to really add to the common brain-base here,) so I will add to the clip discussion along these lines:
A common practice here in Northern Nevada way back when at least was to remove any excess threads exposed from the top-tube clips ( and while we're on it, the brake center bolts, the front derailleur band clamp, and any pump clip or d/t shifter band clamps).
The idea was that in a crash, there would be less exposure ( remember, this is well before the CPSC came along to save us from ourselves) to these sharp, threaded projections and we would not snag our skin and clothing on them.
I know that insofar at the top tube casing clamp bolt went, it was a matter of installing them snugly, eye-balling the number of threads to file down. Removing the little bolt. Clamping it in protected vise jaws, filing off the length unneeded, removing the bolt from the vise, attempting to re-install it, dropping it on the floor, bending down to search for it, saying alot of bad words, and sometimes giving up and robbing another one to file down and this time being more careful in reinstalling it.
Done correctly, it is a very clean and professional looking thing, not having 3-4 threads sticking out. Repeat with the much larger bolts mentioned above and if you live in a rust-prone neighborhood ( Nevada has no rust to worry about, we WISH we had the moisture!) you best protect the shaven end of the brake and other bolts with clear nail polish.
I am slowly getting my oldest Orange Cinelli back together and when I went out to see what tt clamps I had set aside, they they were: nice old chrome steel.....with very short bolts!
Was this common practice among you other Prodotti Oldfarti's?
Riccardo Bulissimo
Verdi, Nevada