Re: [CR]For the Hetchins mavens on list

(Example: Production Builders:Teledyne)

Date: Tue, 07 Feb 2006 15:11:37 -0500
From: "Phil Sieg" <>
To: Peter Naiman <>
Subject: Re: [CR]For the Hetchins mavens on list
References: <>
In-Reply-To: <>
cc: classicrendezvous <>

Mick and Peter,

Great stuff. You guys are amazing.

Understood about the frame being sold as frame only. It's just that I would have thought that a show bike would have been built up...well, for show, hence the question over the rims/hubs. Possibly these aren't the wheels that were on the bike at the York show in '63? Seems like they belong on a tourer.

Alas, it's now an academic exercise. Having scrolled over the photos I saw what I missed earlier - a seat tube of 22 1/2". Another frame too big.

Phil Sieg Knoxville, Tennessee

Peter Naiman wrote:
> Mick; You've got a good memory. I'm sure by now you've recieved my
> prior email which gives a bit of the frames history that I got from
> Len Ingram.
> Phil: As for the equipment, the wheels do not quite seem right, and
> would normally have been low flange for racing, with tubulars and the
> rims look to be clincher, although it's hard to tell by the photos.
> But the frame was sold as frame only with no kit mounted.
> Peter
> */Phil Sieg <>/* wrote:
> Peter,
> Thanks. Understand about the desirability, but a factor for us
> short guys is always fit, which means you don't always get the
> fancy stuff. When you ride a 51cm frame, even some models that
> have the fancier head tube lugs don't in the smaller sizes, simple
> because there's no room. (Compare that lovely 49 cm Torpado that
> just sold on eBay with Mark Agree's larger version of the same
> frame at Wool Jersey.)
> I also had the thought that the wheels might not be original.
> That front brake caliper looks like a GB side-pull and the cranks,
> et al are British. Maillard hubs and Mavic rims? I would have
> thought that a show bike would have had British hubs - Racelites
> or Airlites, maybe, Hardens, or even Chater Leas - but not Maillard.
> Phil
> Peter Naiman wrote:
>> Phil; According to the Hetchin's site the Track Supreme was built
>> between 1962-64, so the auction statement of this being in show
>> in 1966 doesn't quite add up, not saying I doubt the word of the
>> seller, but more likely the exact history may not be correct. It
>> was probably at show in the 1961-64 era. Your research on the
>> production year in correct for 1963. The first digit would be the
>> year of production.
>> I've written the owner to find out if the componants are original
>> to the frame. As for desirability, most Vintage collectors are
>> looking for the much more elaborately lugged Hetchins, usually
>> Latin Lug series bikes. Experto Credes show up often, Magnum
>> Bonums occasionally, and a Magnum Opus Phase II is getting almost
>> as rare as hen's teeth. Pricing will probably not go very high,
>> but factor in that if it was in fact a show bike, that could
>> raise value considerably. Part of my questioning to the seller is
>> verification of his statement as to it being a show bike, which
>> is most likely just passed down word of mouth.
>> Best regards,
>> Peter Naiman
>> Glendale, WI
>> */Phil Sieg <>/* wrote:
>> Thoughts on this offering
>> ?
>> Item#6603650687.
>> If the serial number is correct and I'm interpreting it
>> correctly, this
>> frame was built in '63. Any of the British contingent know
>> the seller?
>> --
>> Phil Sieg
>> Knoxville, Tennessee
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