[CR]Suggestions for a Merckx Molteni Replica

(Example: Production Builders:Tonard)

Date: Fri, 10 Feb 2006 16:34:22 -0800 (PST)
From: Raymond Dobbins <raydobbins2003@yahoo.com>
To: Classic Rendezvous Bike List <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Subject: [CR]Suggestions for a Merckx Molteni Replica

hi everybody.

i have a 1992 merckx slx "corsa extra" with the molteni replica finish. i have it built up with a mix of nr and sr, including merckx pantographed large ring and shifters. here's a link to how the bike looks now:


i would like to re-build this bike as a more faithful and complete replica of one of eddy's molteni-era bikes. ideally, one of his fully-drilled bikes.

i know that eddy drilled his shifters, brake levers and calipers, and large chainring. i'm pretty sure he also drilled the rear derailleur. did he also drill the small chainring? how about the seat post? i know that his lightened seat post was usually milled, but i could swear i once saw a photo of one of his bikes with a drilled seatpost.

i would probably have to do the drilling myself for several or all of these parts. in that case, i'd like to recreate the drilling patterns as accurately as possible. does anyone have photos showing the merckx drilled components up close?

and before i invest in a drill press, i should ask: is there someone who can do this work for me? or is there anybody with nr parts drilled like eddy's, who would consider selling? right now i pretty much need everything except a stem.

my other option is to build it with plain nr - no drilling, no milling. it would still be a replica, but it wouldn't be as cool as with the drilled nr - or would it?

and of course, i could leave it the way it is, but as far as i know, eddy never rode merckx panto parts in his molteni years (or did he?). if he didn't, then i can't use merckx panto parts for a true replica. plus, i want a change, so this is not really an option for me (what? me no panto? i hardly recognize myself!).

ok, so my first choice, by far, would be nr, drilled a la merckx. but is it worth the trouble and expense to locate and/or make the necessary drilled parts? will it look right, or will it look cheesy? i guess a lot depends on how well the drilling is done and how authentic the part looks. i have my doubts that i can pull it off. it certainly seems like a daunting task, making all those counter sunk holes, without screwing up even once. hmm...plain nr is starting to look better.

what do you think? what would you do?

all opinions, advice and information will be most welcome. feel free to keep it on list unless you have some cool drilled parts to sell me (please oh please), in which case you should contact me off-list immediately ;)

thanks in advance for your help.

ray dobbins miami florida

ps - i am going to use white cloth bar wrap with white old-style white cinelli bar plugs, as well as gray cable housing, and i'm going to keep the cable over the bars nice and low. anything else i should change?