other on-topic former bike messengers:
jean robic louison bobet fausto coppi charles terront charles pellisier
theres more, but thats off the top of my head...
At 21:25 -0500 02.12.2006, Paul Williams wrote:
>After the heated messenger discussion of the other day - how about this
>one. Bob Mcleod who won the British Empire 10 mile road race for Canada
>in August 1934. He had been a "telegraph boy" for Canadian National
>Telegraph(?) in Toronto.
>Paul "I am sure I have exceeded my allotted bandwidth for the day"
>Ottawa, On, Canada
joel metz : magpie@blackbirdsf.org : http://www.blackbirdsf.org/
bike messengers worldwide : ifbma : http://www.messengers.org/
portland, oregon
i know what innocence looks like - and it wasn't there,
after she got that bicycle...