Re: [CR]annoying chain/derailleur clicking

(Example: History)

Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2006 09:48:51 -0400
From: "Steven Willis" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]annoying chain/derailleur clicking
To: "George Allen" <>, "CR Mailing List" <>
References: <>

Hi George take it to a dealer to check the hanger it is very easy and cheep and you will know for sure in just a few minutes. Also while you are there have then drop a chain stretch indicator in the chain to see the stretch. That can cause the same problem. Steven Willis The Bike Stand 1778 East Second Street Scotch Plains NJ 07076 908-322-3330

----- Original Message -----
From: George Allen
To: CR Mailing List
Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2006 9:24 AM
Subject: [CR]annoying chain/derailleur clicking

> My 1979 Raleigh Team has developed an annoying clicking emanating from the
> pulleys on the rear derailleur. I'm running a 1979 Camp SR derailleur with
> a Regina SL chain. All seemed well when I had installed a Campy/Mavic SSC
> wheel-set with Regina CX freewheel. All was still well when I switched out
> the wheel set for a time trial with a HI-E/Super Champion Medaille d'Or
> wheel-set with a Campy freewheel. Then I switched over to a Campy/Fiamme
> Ergal wheel-set with a Maillard alloy freewheel and the clicking started.
> I noticed the freewheel wobbling so I switched out the axle. This
> drastically reduced the wobbling but did nothing for the clicking. I
> switched back to the other wheel-sets but still the clicking persists.
> I've ridden the bike on the road and the basement trainer and it's still
> the same. I've noticed that when the chain-links contact the lower pulley
> they are not in alignment. The outside of the chain climbs up the pulley
> and then pop!, the slot of the chain finds the tooth of the pulley. I'm
> running Bullseye pulleys but I switched back to the original Campy ones
> and the same phenomenon repeated itself. BTW, the supplied washers with
> the Bulleye pulleys have a thickness that requires 2 on one side of the
> pulley and 3 on the other side in order to get close to the thickness of
> the original Campy pulleys. I have also noticed that the clicking is worse
> the further the chain is from ideal alignment relating to what gear I'm
> in. I now suspect that my derailleur hanger is out of alignment which is
> causing the chain to not mesh properly with the bottom pulley. However,
> the bike has never been wrecked or even fallen over. Perhaps installing it
> in the trainer bent the hanger? Any ideas or suggestions? I hate noisy
> bikes. Thanks in advance.
> George Allen
> Lexington, KY
> PS: Besides a bent axle, what else would cause freewheel wobble? Lack of
> concentricity between the axis of the axle and the axis of the freewheel?