RE: [CR]Pratt's Now acetylene lamps

(Example: Production Builders:Cinelli:Laser)

In-Reply-To: <BAY114-F1600344F82A2F5285210AAABB80@phx.gbl>
From: "neil foddering" <>
Subject: RE: [CR]Pratt's Now acetylene lamps
Date: Sun, 23 Apr 2006 18:50:58 +0000

Mick, as a point of interest, I use a Powell & Hanmer acetylyne front and a P&H oil rear light on my Granby. I bought the carbide mail order from a caving supplies shop in Derbyshire! The seal on the front lamp is getting perished, so iof you hear reports of a fireball in Dorset, you'll know what's happened...

Neil Foddering Weymouth, England

>From: "Mick Butler" <>
>Subject: [CR]Pratt's
>Date: Sat, 22 Apr 2006 20:25:49 +0000
>just a point should it not have read Freddie Pratt .come on we've discussed
>this subject a few times over the years!!!
>Hello Doug,
>No Cliff Pratts is still in Hull last time I looked and was definitely
>there in the 1960's can't resist saying don't make yourself look a Pratt.
>Knew that would make you laugh.
>Mark's home, been around Grafham Water a couple of times today, the
>reservoir is full to the brim, what drought? Massive rainbows and brownies
>moving in the shallows the fisherman were having a field day. Good luck
>with the lamps got any acetylene? We rode the Northampton to Market
>Harborough Sustrans the other week. One of the mob put an acetylene on for
>a crack lit up Oxendon an Kelmarsh tunnells like daylight! Wonderful light
>they chuck out.
>Best wishes Mick.
>>From where the wheels don't spin as fast as they use to. Be lucky Michael
>Butler Huntingdon UK.