Re: [CR]Are Masi's Fun?

(Example: Framebuilders:Brian Baylis)

Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2006 17:35:34 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Syke - Deranged Few M/C" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Are Masi's Fun?
In-Reply-To: <>

The exchange of the past few days has finally codified why I will never own, or, desire to own, a Masi. Sorry folks, to me, it's a bicycle. A beautifully made piece of art on two wheels, but still just a bicycle. And it won't get me down the road any better than the Rossin already hanging in my garage, or give me wonderful twinges of my insanely rampant youth 35 years ago like a Paramount, Raleigh Professional or top of the line Gitane or Falcon.

It's just another pretty bicycle, and for the life of me, I can't figure out why such a bicycle can take up 2-3 days of digests. Oh well, I'm a philistine. And comfortable pounding down the road on a cottered crank, plain old tubed Raleigh.

George R. "Syke" Paczolt Deranged Few M/C Montpelier, VA

Jerome & Elizabeth Moos wrote:

Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2006 08:22:02 -0700 (PDT) From: Jerome & Elizabeth Moos To:, Subject: Re: [CR]Are Masi's Fun? Message: 7

Have to agree, a $300-$400 French bike rides just as well and spares the owner all of the stress and agonizing. And let's not forget the huge advantage of the total inconsistency of French manufacturers. No dated hub locknuts. Component specs and even lug types and DO's that changed not only within a single year, but probably weekly. And frame serial numbers cryptic enough to make for a great sequel to the "DeVinci Code". In short, every debate about the originality of any bit on a French bike can be authoritatively ended with the two-word conclusion, "Who knows?" At which point one can stop worrying and go ride the thing. Ignorance is bliss!!

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