Re: [CR]First Record front derailleur

(Example: Racing)

From: <>
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2006 01:53:32 EDT
Subject: Re: [CR]First Record front derailleur

Here's a couple of pics of the same type of Record derailleur that Rich is talking about: < 1>

This one is not completely typical, as it has had the face of the clamp reduced so that it more closely resembles lug points, but it once was normal. The item was received with a matching reduced Campy Record gruppo that dates to about 1970, arriving on a bike from Europe. No cable stop, chromed bronze arms, and, having the slim rounded lower hinge pin housing, no circlip, and a flat cage face ... the last four of the five features noted being changed consecutively over the few years following.

There is another subtle difference of change that I think has been talked about on list but is seldom referenced. That is ... the punched out flap of the inner cage plate that has the front of the spring and lower pivot arm screw mounted through it, has a different shape than newer versions. No pics to show, but I can take some comparison shots if anyone really wants to see the difference. I can also reword the sentence, if it went on too long to understand :)

30 quick miles on my 1984 Torpado Superlight today around Marcus Helman's serene neighborhood loop ... and I loved it!

Ciao, Mark Agree Southfield MI ~ ~ ~

Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2006 20:48:54 -0400 From: "Richard Robinson" <> To: <> Subject: [CR]First Record front derailleur


I remember several weeks ago someone on the list described the first version of the Record front derailleur. They described the derailleur as having chrome pivot arms and the long cable stop. I am familiar with the rare cable stop derailleur, but this was the first time I had heard about chrome pivot arms. Well, I was looking at some of my parts (spring cleaning) and found an interesting front Record derailleur in my stash. It does not include the cable stop, but has chromed pivot arms as apposed to alloy arms. The shape of the clamp support held up against the seat tube on the drive side (where the cable stop arm would be located) is shaped differently too. Instead of the flat box-shaped bottom seen on my other front Record derailleurs, this derailleur's support is shaped like a sharks fin. No indication of file marks or broken cable stop. Additionally, the derailleur has no 'C' clip to hold the arms in place so one would think this is pre '73-'74. This also leads me to believe this is not a lower level Campy derailleur from the mid 80's, i.e. 980 derailleur. Is this perhaps a transition piece from the first Record derailleur w/cable stop to the more common pre '74 Record derailleurs without 'C' clip? Or perhaps someone just swapped parts?! Anyone have an idea what this is?

Regards, Rich Robinson

Jacksonville NC