I am wary of any self-energizing brake design as they are doubly affected by water or any conditions such as humidity that can exaggerate grabbiness.
I think an arguement could be made for a self-de-energizing design, provided the necessary leverage was present.
A tendem is less affected by grabbiness because of the extra weight and wheelbase, hence their being a reasonable application for S.E. brakes.
David Snyder
> CLB made a very fancy and innovative high end set of centerpulls. The
> pivots are angled so the brakes are self energizing. The center "cable"
> is a solid wire integrated with the springs. I have a set but I haven't
> used them yet. Rare and hard to find.
> I think that you will find that the Campagnolo Delta, Wienmann, Modolo
> aero type are poorly suited for a sports tourer in term of length and
> clearance, give poor performance and are a headache to set up.
> I would also consider an ordinary set of Wienmanns or Mafacs with good
> shoes. Mafac Tigers baby- now why the heck did they stop making that
> brake with beefier calipers and fancy shoe adjustability?
> Joe Bender-Zanoni
> Great Notch, NJ