Re: [CR] Too much Buying & Selling on CR?

(Example: Component Manufacturers)

From: "Paul Williams" <>
To: <>
References: <> <>
Subject: Re: [CR] Too much Buying & Selling on CR?
Date: Tue, 23 May 2006 12:00:22 -0400

Dale and all,

Surely collecting by its very nature requires the buying, selling and exchange of items. In that respect, I am sure our merry band of hobbyists is no different from any other group of collectors! IMHO Sharing of resources in whatever manner is healthy and avoids a nasty, selfish hoarding mentality.

I heartily agree with Dale that the FS, FT, WTB and WTT postings are an important aspect of CR for those of us who are not living in areas with active vintage bike communities, swap meets, "car boot" or yard-sales readily offering period pieces. On the whole, I would much rather financially support the hobby of fellow listers than continue to line the pockets of many on EBay. I have bought things from list members, I have sold things to list members, I have also received items for free and have given items for free.

I feel there is generally a sense of honour and fair dealings within the list.Where I think the waters get a bit murky and what might "get" to some people are those members who only pop up from time to time to put things up for sale and contribute little else to general discussions. While they do offer a service there may be the perception that their FS listings are only self-serving!

Paul Williams,
Ottawa, ON, Canada

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2006 11:25 AM
Subject: [CR]Was: Departing member. Now: Too much Buying & Selling on CR?

>I got a well voiced off list comment from a CR member, to which I responded
>as below:
> "
> Hi ___:
> Thanks for the note..
> << What will it take to enact some change and bring the list back to
> something that furthers the hobby of collecting bikes and not just
> furthering the finances of the members. >>
> I guess I see all sides of this.
> I see many folks (like myself!) who live in regions where there are few
> if any vintage buffs or swap meets or sources other than eBay to find old
> parts & bikes. So IMO the For Sale & Wanted to buy aspect is crucial to
> the list. I have no problem with people furthering their income if
> delivers to me stuff I want. Of course, I am a buyer and seller by
> profession, a retailer, albeit of normal modern stuff, but I just don't
> see a problem in looking at or deleting For Sale notices...
> I hope it's OK but I am sending the above to the whole list (+You didn't
> so I am keeping your comments w/o identity...
> Dale Brown
> Greensboro, NC USA
> "