[CR]My Cirque III

(Example: Production Builders:Peugeot)

From: "Eric Elman" <tr4play@cox.net>
To: <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
References: <20060608212053.28825.qmail@web54511.mail.yahoo.com>
Subject: [CR]My Cirque III
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2006 11:04:54 -0400

Got home at 4:15am after a 12 hour drive with Billy Rounds - that alone is a life time experience but I'll save those reflections for another day! This was my third Cirque. Probably the best yet but they have all been outstanding. Other list members will no doubt a wonderful job detailing the 2006 event - I'll just go on record as stating that each event was just wonderful. As always, it was due to the individuals involved in our little hobby joined together by our common interest of vintage lightweight bicycles.

I would like to make comments based on the post I made after my first Cirque, 2004. See below; it was mostly a guide to enjoying the experience and I'm curious if my thoughts then, hold true now after three years. Here goes, my new comments are in "< >."

Archive-URL: http://search.bikelist.org/getmsg.asp?Filename=classicrendezvous.10405.0064.eml From: "Eric Elman" <tr4play(AT)cox.net> Subject: [CR]Cirque Reflections Date: Mon, 3 May 2004 20:03:51 -0400

I'm no longer a Cirque virgin and it was good, real good - far beyond any words that I am about to pen. One must experience it; and when you do, you'll want more.

<So true, three events attended and it gets better with experience.>

Oh yeah, I'll be back next year.

I have, sadly, Chris Beyer to thank as it was his premature death that prompted me to make the choice to put Cirque before my livelihood and other typical pressing events that someone with a career and young family must choose between. This once a year splurge was the right thing for me to do.

<I almost backed out due to the pressures of work, family, etc. My thoughts of Chris helped keep me on track and after an hour into the drive down to NC my mind was switching out of the normal work/family mode and into the Cirque mode. Billy and I just looked over at one another and laughed out loud - both knowing exactly what the other was thinking (very scary) "we're on our way to Cirque!!!!!!!!!!">

I related to one of the many fine folks I spoke with that this was sort of like spending time with family that you like. As a kid my family was frequently spending time with our relatives and cousins. Some I liked, some I didn't. I fit in with the ones I liked. We had simple, easy going fun together and they had toys I liked. Yes, much like how Cirque felt to me; an extraordinary awakening to relive a memory and feeling lost long ago from my childhood.

<Yes, still like visiting relatives you like. Everyone involved really is "good family."

Already, many have written some very nice accounts of the weekend. I'll try and lay down a few different twists and perspectives along with some that are a tad repetitive.


Don't drive 13 hours by yourself through the night arriving at 6:30am and expect to be up to much. I arrived, said hello to e-richie and Maurice Breshnahan(sp?) who happened to be in the hotel lobby. E-richie promptly said "go get some rest, we'll see you later." I did that, but felt like I was going to bed early just as a really fun party was about to start. I hit my bed and woke at about 10:30am, looked out my window and indeed the party was in full swing in the Battleground parking lot. What did I miss? How quickly could I shower and get out to meet some folks, see some of those bikes that were being pointed too and fondled? Travel during the day, get a good nights rest and start Friday fresh; I'll do that next year and so should you. If you can travel with someone, so much the better.

<Holds true. For two years now I leave on Thursday morning, arrive Thursday night and am rested and all set to have fun pretty much right away, but especially ready for Friday's events.>

Occasional list misbehavior is no indicator of list members real, in person personalities. Everyone, absolutely everyone was down to earth, genuine, warm, sincere and oh so friendly. This group is special. Don't miss out as you are unlikely to ever congregate with such a diverse yet similar bunch of genuinely nice people that just happen to have a common interest in a specific niche of bikes.

<The list behavior issues are largely a thing of the past so this point is moot.>

Don't expect to get to know everyone. Don't expect to get to know most of the group. Do expect to get to know many people and be sure to come back each year so that over time there is a better chance of developing an even deeper relationship with this large group.

<So true and still difficult for me. I continue to get to spend time with more of you and get to know you better, yet, I still wish I could spend even more time with more of you. Only remedy is to keep attending.>

Do make a point of hanging with different people. I made a point of sitting with different people at each meal, function, etc. and came away having gotten to know more of you that way.

Dale, do make the auction a permanent and official part of the events agenda. That flooring guy (Pergo?) and his side kick (e-richie's big brother?) sure new how to work the crowd and not only was it beyond fun, beyond description and beyond anything I could have imagined but a big chunk of money was raised for such a worthy cause. Think about it, we indulge ourselves over 3 or 4 days and still make sure we give something back to those less fortunate than us. Kudos' to John or whomever came up with the auction idea last year and kudos' to all the bidders and seller's that made it all come together.

<It is now a permanent part of the event. This year I believe that over $7,000 was raised for such an important cause - all while having fun! The best example of the overused "win-win" statement.>

Don't believe for too long that Ozzie's younger brother, Larry "the catfish," is a full time bottom feeder at swap meets. He came to my table and fondled a pair of Campagnolo gum hoods for so long that I had to threaten him to either pay up or put them back on the table so someone else could buy them. After another 45 minutes of the little guy on his left shoulder debating with the little guy on his right shoulder he finally plunked down the money and walked away smiling. I've witnessed it, he does occasionally buy goodies from the top of the table.

<Larry, you are one of my favorite cousins. I consider us related - like it or not!>

Don't expect to sell at the swap and still mingle with listee's and have time to look at all the fine bikes on display. Despite sharing my booth with Paul Rauley(sp?) and us each taking turns watching the table, there just was not enough time to see all the bikes and I definitely had less time to socialize. Next year I'll just bring a few tidbits to sell and spend most of my time socializing/looking rather then selling.

<Those attending the event are clearly a trustworthy bunch. I stepped away from my table more times than I can count and never did an item disappear. Sure, get someone to split your spot so you can take turns leaving the table but also use the opportunity while watching over your goodies to engage in conversation - just another way to meet more friendly list members.>

Do expect the weekend to be similar to the experience of eating Chinese food. You'll go to the limit each night but shortly after have a hunger for more.

<I'll be hungry for more again.... after I get some sleep.>

It just does not get any better then this.

<It really doesn't.>

Dale, thank you for being blessed with the smarts and having the drive and energy to bring us together, on list and in Greensboro.

<I can't thank Dale enough. He's a bright guy and well aware of the positive impact he continues to make on us - I'm just not sure he's aware of the depth to which he has bettered some of our lives regardless of how good or not so good they may have been already.>.

List, thank you for being who and what you are. I am revitalized, even after driving 11.5 hours straight through the night (oh, uh, um, I took a shortcut home; wink, wink) and working on just 2.5 hours sleep.

<Ahh, the reality of being back home. So nice to see my family, sleep in my bed with my pillow...all followed by a job I love but which I really am in no mood to go back to later today.>

Has the date for next years event been set?

<Yes, and I'll be there again.>

<Finally, thank you again list - you are such a wonderful bunch. And of course, thank you again Dale.>

Eric Elman
Over tired and loving it
Somers, CT