[CR]Cirque impressions

(Example: Events:Cirque du Cyclisme:2004)

Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2006 08:08:05 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Thomas Adams" <thomasthomasa@yahoo.com>
To: "classicrendezvous@bikelist.org" <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Subject: [CR]Cirque impressions

I had resolved to be more laid back this year, less of a hyper-kid-in-a-candy-store and hopefully able to take more in and be mellow this year. I may have overdid it, though, as I got home and realized I hadn't even taken one picture. Now that's laid back! So I'm waiting for the photo guys to put some pics up. Anyway, here are some mental snapshots.

Cirque #9 (#4 for me) was wonderful, as they all are, and different again, as they also are. The biggest change was the availability behind the shop of the area that was the used book store (somehow Dale sweet talked the rental agent into letting us use the space). Consequently we had an inside place to sign up, get name tags, store Battleground commuter bikes, and have a big enough space for the auction and seminars with no time limit. Wonderful! but you can't count on such luck again. Doubtful if the space will be vacant next year too.

Charles and Carmen Andrews, Brian Baylis, Jack Gabus, Bob and Rita Frietas, and Matty Gorski came (and I'm sure I misses some more), but I felt like the West Coast attendance was down a bit. Plane flights to Greensboro are certainly not easy, and prices of course are up. Not a criticism, just my impression. I'll have to try to get to Velo Rendezvous again to see my Cali friends.

Bikes, bikes, wonderful bikes everywhere. I'll miss a ton, but here's a few highlights to watch for when the pics come up. Tom Sanders with a lovely Wizard, Paul Raley on his usual immaculate machines, this time a Singer and a Jack Taylor, rehabbed after it's crash (quite a few Jack Taylors this year, appropriate for a touring bike theme). Also quite a few Wiegles, as our seminar speaker and ace builder was well represented with several rando style machines. Mike Schmidt, Lou Deeter, Wayne Bingham and PW himself all had sweet versions on display and Peter brought some bikes and frames to show. We also saw the first frame Peter ever put his hands on, an old Witcomb, and saw some nice USA Witcombs too.

There were also several old and new Richard Sachs (Saches?) including a lovely early 80's machine in the custody of Karen Rawls. BTW, Karen bought one of the sets of BVVW/GS Pergolizzi handlebar plugs sets at the auction, but ended up with two GS Pergo's. So if someone out there has two BVVW's, Karen has your plug. We had a big Canadian contingent this year, and as always Mike Barry's Bicycle Specialties was displaying numerous lovely machines. There was the Mariposa Cambio Corsa bike, a Mariposa 26 inch wheeled touring rig, a his and her's 50's Rotrax fancy lugged pair of bikes (those two knocked me in a heap), and others I can't remember. Then there was a fully chromed Rene Herse that Mike's shop restored, that for me was the bike of the show. Sorry I can't remember the owner (but I remember the bike and it was awesome!).

The Omnipotent Despot hissself was there, riding a 50's(?) Singer that was complete even with original tires. We know that because the front tire failed spectacularly on the Friday ride, almost knocking leaves of the trees in the park through which we were passing when it blew. But master rider that he is, the OD stayed upright and quickly repaired the damage and finished the ride, no mean feat with a tire that has a one foot long hole through the casing. I presume he had a spare tire in the Singer's capacious handlebar bag. Oh, and the charity auction put on by the OD with able assistance from Mike Schmidt, John Barron, Wayne Bingham and Harvey Sachs raised over $6,000 for Operation Smile, enough to fund something like 25 procedures for deserving kids. Way to go, folks!

I could sit her and go on and on, but I do have to get some other things done today. Thanks to everyone who came, and a double attaboy to Dale Brown, gracious host and vintage guru. How he's always smiling beats me, but I love the man. You rock, Dale.

Tom Adams, Shrewsbury NJ

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