Re: [CR]Cirque Bike Show Judging criteria

(Example: Production Builders:Peugeot)

From: "Mike Schmidt" <>
To:, 'Ken Sanford' <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Cirque Bike Show Judging criteria
Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2006 13:33:48 -0400

=0D =0D Hey Ken, =0D I was one of the three judges so let me say this. The decision was not an easy one but the three judges agreed and that is the way we went.&n bsp; The Gabus 68 Pog was stunning and there were others as well that if selected, we could not feel that we errored. The judging criteria is subjective. We liked that bike-end of story! =0D Now, as far as the less than helpful comments. Consider the source of the comments. A former listmember that is one of the "unwashed" w ith a terminal case of hoof and mouth disease. So KD, I know you read this thread from left field. You attend Cirque and lend your e xpertise instead of taking pot shots from bean town. But then again K D, you have a different agenda. Cirque is not about the bikes, its about the people and you're agenda is about the bikes. Kind of li ke oil and water.

Mike Schmidt

New York, NY

On Tue Jun 13 11:38 , "Ken Sanford" sent:



