Re: [CR]Cirque Bike Show Judging criteria

(Example: Component Manufacturers:Cinelli)

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From: "Chuck Schmidt" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Cirque Bike Show Judging criteria
Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2006 14:24:01 -0700
To: classicrendezvous Rendezvous <>

Ken Sanford wrote:
> (snip)
> After reading a couple of IMHO 'less than helpful' comments on Ray
> Dobbin's Guerciotti, see
> I thought it appropriate to discuss the criteria that the judges
> use to
> try to pick winners. As I have never judged such an event (or possess
> sufficient knowledge to be competent to do so) I would appreciate some
> insight as to how it is properly done.

Oh, you mean this "Expelled-From-The-CRlist-Members Forum"? (See below)

After putting on my very-modest-in-comparison-to-Le-Cirque, Velo Rendezvous five years now, I've pretty much decided to eliminate all judging and awards from the Sunday bike show. I started out with an Entrant's Choice (entrants pick their first, second and third favorites based on any criteria) because people told me they liked awards. Next, an additional ten awards were added (Best Original, Best Restoration, Best Italian, etc.) because people told me they liked lots of awards.

But in my opinion, the competition has created a major distraction and consequently detracts from the experience of looking at each other's bikes at the Bike Show. And the ensuing second guessing of the judging and hurt feelings every year is something I'd rather not experience anymore.

Any other opinions out there?

Chuck Schmidt South Pasadena, Southern California (Velo Rendezvous)

====================================== Expelled-From-The-CRlist-Members Forum ====================================== From: Ken Denny (Tue Jun 13 00:34:54 2006) ??? That's "Best Italy"??? This bike was so commonplace that it begs the question "who's the judge and what is he smoking"?

From: Ken Sanford (Tue Jun 13 01:44:07 2006) We can always count on Ken D for a positive comment!...

From: Otis (Tue Jun 13 02:59:48 2006) Totally commonplace. Why I saw three just like it in the Wal Mart parking lot today. An outrage!

From: Stephan Andranian (Tue Jun 13 15:45:34 2006) Ken: I am not agreeing that the bike is "commonplace." That being said, can't the "best" be a mass produced bike? One-offs are not necessarily better....

From: Ken Denny (Tue Jun 13 16:11:09 2006) There is no significance at all to this bike. They were made en-mass, as most Guerciottis of this period were. Shiney, clean, etc..yes. History, provenance, prestige,

From: Peter Kohler (Tue Jun 13 16:23:14 2006) Precisely the kind of pretentious elitist twaddle that has me enjoying riding my "commonplace" Raleighs, Peugeots and Cinelli (rather) than contributing to the CR List!

From: Stephan Andranian (Tue Jun 13 17:02:59 2006) Right. Guerciotti has NO history or prestige. The brand hasn't won any races of note, and the bike is not worth collecting. Get real.

From: Stephan Andranian (Tue Jun 13 17:03:43 2006) Peter: I am a member of the CR list, and ride the most proletarian of bicycles, thank you very much.

From: Ken Denny (Tue Jun 13 17:18:35 2006) You guys can remain "CR Centric" for as long as you like. There is a bigger frontier out there. Call it elitist if you want. I guess I'm elitist. Thanks for the complement. You can email to engage in worthy dialogue anytime.

From: Michael Lebron (Tue Jun 13 17:32:25 2006) I have to agree with Ken, this award was totally surprising. Albert should have walked away with best italian and best original for his Gloria and the copper thing. Take your pick as to which was which. nothing else was close! Provenance, bes[poke, etc all matter if the award is to mean anything