Mr. Thornton,
Appartently I was your only competition on that 51' Frejus. I decided no t to bid towards the end. Glad you got it!
Based on everything I've read here on CR over the years there seems to be some question as to the differences between 50's Frejus and Legnano frame weights/tubing. Based on what I have read the Legnano's seemed to have u sed lighter weight tubing than Frejus. Maybe one day when you get the chance
you could try to figure out what sort of tubing gauge Frejus used in these
(somewhat) early years. Also based on what scant pictures the prior owne r made available it looks like the fork on your 51' has pencil blades- shoul d be very comfortable- I've very rarly seen those on a Frejus. Thanks, Jeremy Lieberman NYC NY
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