Flyers to all past participants of the Larz Anderson Bicycles Show will be going out within the next week or so. We encourage everyone who is bringing a bike or more to the Concours, that you mail in a your registration forms for the Concours ahead of time to make registration go smoothly for everyone. If you want to pre-register, please email me offlist and I will forward a registration form for the Concours to you.
If you are not sure if you are on our mailing list and would like to be included, please email offlist with your contact information and the list will be updated.
As said before, we'll be putting on our usual Vintage Ride before the show starting at 8:30AM which will go through the Emerald Necklace of Boston and Brookline. If you plan on attending the ride, please pre-register all bikes being entered in the Concourse.
Best regards, Peter
Peter W. Naiman
Registered Ebay Sales Broker/ Trading Assistant
Chairman-Larz Anderson National Bicycle Show
Chairman-River City Vintage Velo Show & Swap
Member: Cream City Cycle Club
Coordinator- Cream City Cycle Club Century
Glendale, WI 53217-5034
Phone: 414-967-0990