[CR]buying and selling, "comfort zones"

(Example: Books)

Date: Sat, 08 Jul 2006 15:23:04 -0400
From: "Harvey M Sachs" <sachshm@cox.net>
To: CPOTZ@aol.com, Classic Rendezvous <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Subject: [CR]buying and selling, "comfort zones"

I've stayed out of this one so far, because I'm not in "the business" and do relatively little buying and selling of stuff, on or off eBay. So, I 'll share a bit of an anecdote, hoping it adds to what Steve Chambers obs erves.

It was a long time ago, decades ago, at a LAW GEAR in upstate NY. Saturda y evening, my buddy Mel asked me if I had spotted the old triplet at a ga rage sale on one of the routes that day. I had not, but was intrigued. Early the next morning, Mel and I retraced the route (in my already-obsol ete Dodge CarryAll) until we got to the house, where the bike was still l ying in the yard. Doorbell raised no on, so I hit the horn. Second floo r window went up, and a rather groggy chap rather shortly asked, "whadda want?" I responded that I wanted to talk with him about that old 3-seat b ike. He yelled down, "It's my neighbor's. She wants $xx, firm." Well, it's hard to talk to an upstairs window, but I let him know that I knew t hat it was missing some chain, and the chain was an odd size, and not all the seats were there, and all the classic-if-true observations. And offe red a bit less than he asked. "$XX. Period," he said impatiently. "Well," I responded, I guess I'll have to do it." He seemed pleased to have go tten his price, so I've regarded the transaction as fair, even though the actual dollars exchanged were pretty nominal.

And that's how I got a ~1898 Davis of Dayton 23x23x23 triplet, all oversi zed tubing, fully lugged, with forged steel cranks. Over the next few ye ars, I found most of the parts required, but also realized that restorati on was beyond my skills. It's now beautiful, and at Carillon Park, Dayto n, restored by a couple of wonderful volunteers after I sold it to the pa rk.

harvey sachs mcLean va ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Steve Chambers wrote: for whats its worth this whole area is a difficult one....I sell on Ebay bu t I make a point of NEVER knowingly selling anything I have obtained via an y VCC member, all my sales are stuff from the 'tip' or 'car boots' local tr ade r mags, I also have had the problem of knowing an items worth but what do y ou do offer the seller far more than what he wants?...case in point my 1949 Webster of Chesterfield cost £25 from an old guy I met at the local ti p c omplete with full Shimano Arabesque groupset,I paid him a fiver more than the £ 20 he was asking, sold the gearset for what I paid for the whole machine(I was la ter offered £250 just for the frameset), also I have sold to the Japanese ... a 64 Moulton deluxe completely original couldn't get £50 for it over here( tho ugh I paid £70) a chap from Japan CAME OVER to pick it up!!! he wanted it tha t much, I gave him loads of spares as they are pretty rare over there and yes he paid a good price but it went to a good home ! the problem I havre is getting to 'jumbles' (now Kidderminster has ceased) so I have to use Eba y t o complete my machines. I have 'used' Hilary and found his prices fair and he DOES get parts WE want and no doubt put's lots of effort in, its all about su ppl y and demand ,I need several 'rare' /desirable parts for a couple of my ol d French cycles but WILL NOT pay Ebay prices so I will have to wait until the y come along at the right price if ever. I have also corresponded with Nigel as the VCC MC for Elswick Hopper and

found him also curteous and VERY helpfull.

Steve Chambers Chesterfield England