RE: [CR]OMAS Ti boltset for Campagnolo Record brakes

(Example: Production Builders:Tonard)

Date: Mon, 10 Jul 2006 21:12:10 -0500
From: "John T.Pergolizzi" <>
Subject: RE: [CR]OMAS Ti boltset for Campagnolo Record brakes
In-reply-to: <>
To: "'Wayne Davidson'" <>, "'CR List'" <>

Wayne, I Never saw recessed ones, only the longer jobs that had al-uuu-min-ee-um nuts. I used to cut the long jobs down and use chrome recessed allen nuts. We had no way to get ti stuff in NYC as I remember (1975-1881).

John T.Pergolizzi Brooklyn, New York

wayne Davidson wrote: "Hi all, I just noticed that the set I have fitted to the brake for my Bossomworth seem to have steel frame mounting nuts. I'm at home and don't have a magnet handy, so I cannot comfirm, so they are either chrome plated or polished Ti, but I do suspect myself looking at them that they are chrome plated, just to light and shiney to be polished Ti, can anyone confirm that these bolt kits came with Ti or chrome plated mounting nuts, these are the recessed type, not the nutted version.

Mine came from a collection many years ago in an unsealed bag, so they maynot be factory versions. TIA, please reply to the list incase someone else needs to know"