Re: [CR]WTB gold simplex shifters

(Example: Framebuilders:Mario Confente)

Date: Thu, 13 Jul 2006 10:20:40 -0400
From: "Steven Willis" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]WTB gold simplex shifters
To: "Steve Leitgen" <>, "Jerome & Elizabeth Moos" <>
References: <> <>

Please do not hold me to this but I seam to remember having one that fit, could Simplex made one that worked on the Campy type boss? Steven Willis The Bike Stand 1778 East Second Street Scotch Plains NJ 07076 908-322-3330

----- Original Message -----
From: Steve Leitgen
To: Jerome & Elizabeth Moos
Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2006 9:48 AM
Subject: Re: [CR]WTB gold simplex shifters

>I was curious about Simplex fitting a standard brazed on mount.
> I pulled the gold Simplex retro friction shifter off a clamp on and tried
> to put it on a brazed on fitting that used to have a campy record lever.
> THEY DON'T FIT AT ALL. ID on the lever was quite a bit smaller than the
> brazed on post. Didn't bother to try the friction bolt.
> So before you try to hammer a Simplex retro on to a fitting remember that
> it sure looks like you need a Simplex specific braze on.
> Steve Leitgen
> La Crosse, WI
> On Jul 12, 2006, at 9:24 PM, Jerome & Elizabeth Moos wrote:
>> Maybe I'm recalling wrong here but I believe all of the brazeon
>> Retrofrictions work with Campy brazeon bosses. I believe the problem
>> was that the thread on the brazeon bosses it not the same as on the
>> clampons. That is, the posts integrated into the old Simplex clamps are
>> threaded different than Campy-compatible brazeon bosses. Thus, if you
>> want to convert brazeon to clampon or vice versa, you have to find fixng
>> bolts with the correct thread. I've usually been able to use stainless
>> steel socket head bolts from better hardware stores. Now it's possible
>> some of the older brazeon versions are for Simplex brazeons with the
>> same thread a Simplex clamps, I just haven't run into this yet.
>> BTW, I finally found an actual use for the old crappy Simplex plastic
>> Prestige shift levers. The levers are crap, but the clamps are fairly
>> nice, with the Simplex logo. Throw away the levers and use the clamp to
>> convert Retrofriction brazeon to clampon.
>> Regards,
>> Jerry Moos
>> Big Spring, TX
>> stephen fredette <> wrote:
>> the retrofriction ones. for braze-on. do these work with modern
>> shifter braze on posts?
>> i had a pair of the silver ones with the slid levers with the stars on
>> them,
>> and they wouldn't work. switching to the more common lever ones did.
>> yr obdt svt
>> Stephen Fredette
>> Hull, Massachusetts