Re: [CR]Confente on E-Bay

(Example: History:Ted Ernst)

In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
From: "Chuck Schmidt" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Confente on E-Bay
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 2006 20:48:23 -0700

Ted, I wrote "required" not "helps." I know lots of members of the CR list that happily buy from a well known and extremely rude collector.

Chuck Schmidt South Pasadena, Southern California

Ted E. Baer wrote:
> Don't be ridiculous Chuck; OF COURSE IT HELPS TO BE
> POLITE as a seller--especially of a "fairly rare and
> desirable bike."
> Ted Baer
> Palo Alto, CA
> --- Chuck Schmidt <> wrote:
>> I don't remember ever hearing that selling a fairly
>> rare and
>> desirable bike required the seller to be polite...
>> Chuck Schmidt
>> South Pasadena, Southern California
>> On Jul 26, 2006, at 6:13 PM, Mike Schmidt wrote:
>>> Yo Chuck,
>>> The dude is a rude. I can corroborate Tom
>> Sander's story of the
>>> seller's
>>> bedside manner. If you are going to sell a rare
>> bike, a seller
>>> should be
>>> able to show photos, not illustrations, that
>> represent its
>>> condition. So
>>> far, he illustrates his arrogance better than the
>> bike.
>>> A brown Confente? Barf! Retch!, no wonder he does
>> not want to show
>>> photos.
>>> Mike Schmidt reporting live on a balmy July
>> evening from..
>>> South Stirling, Southern part of Northern NJ
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "Chuck Schmidt" <>
>> <>
>>> Sent: Wednesday, July 26, 2006 8:31 PM
>>> Subject: Re: [CR]Confente on E-Bay
>>>> This whole thread is starting to make me laugh!
>> I see no "RED FLAGS"
>>>> with this auction whatsoever.
>>>> The seller states:
>>>> "...local pickup only (no shipping)." and "Cash
>> only (no cashier
>>>> checks) will be accepted on buyers approval of
>> item. Wire money
>>>> directly to my bank."
>>>> If I was selling my Confente (two numbers before
>> the frame being
>>>> auctioned) I'd have the buyer (or his
>> representative) look over the
>>>> frame and then, upon their approval of the frame,
>> give me the CASH.
>>>> There's no way I'd pack up a frame worth $4500
>> plus and send it off
>>>> with a shipper... no way. And yes, if a complete
>> Confente went for
>>>> $8,000 on eBay more than a few years ago (a CR
>> member was the buyer),
>>>> then the frame might actually be worth $4500...
>> if you want to own a
>>>> Confente that is.
>>>> Time for the list to take their chill pill.
>>>> Chuck Schmidt
>>>> South Pasadena, Southern California
>>>> .
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