and I have been reading the extensive amount of posts in the archives, but I did not read anything about cleaning freewheels.
I am willing to dump almost anything into my commercial ultrasonic (using a strong solution of simple green w/ degreaser) that I can get access for relubrication. In the case of freewheels, we used to (1970) spray lubrication in the mating sections (stationary and moving), front and back, to reduce the clickiness. I can imagine the interior, the two rows of bearings with the 'stops' in
between. I can think of quite a few thing to do to insure rust protection (biosheild t6), possible lubrication from Phil Wood Tenacious Oil to Teflon based lubrication... But I still can't see it. Any well substantiated advice whether this is a plausible cleaning soluti on? -- gabriel l romeu will ride my loop the other way to cook evenly on both sides in the central western part of new jersey, usa ± Ø ±