I have no framebuilding expereince, nor whether bottom brackets are ever
threaded before the tubes are brazed on, but it would be a relatively simple operation to do a through thread in perfect aligment on a lathe.
jj & kk wrote:
> I examined one of those Pino BB cartridges long ago. There was a
> customer who wanted to install it but...
> Campagnolo taps would not do as they are not designed to be "run throug
> A Var tap could make it except that we did not have an extension that
> would let one grab the tap end as the tap tail passesd beyond the shell
> end, the tap was not long enough to allow it to be used that way wothou
> some custom adaptation.
> Then there was the conjecture that the original BB shell threading may
> not have been "clocked" in unison, so as the tap encountered the off
> side existing threading that region would be rendered useless.
> I do not remember Pino provididng a method to do this.
> I think the concept to provide a cartridge unit was to keep the bearing
> in alignment.
gabriel l romeu
thinking the possibilities after the gracious hosting of a CR ride by
Steven Maasland in central new jersey usa
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